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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Silenus | villenave02089: Silenus taken by the Phrygians. "But Silenus was not there. Him, stumbling with the weight of years and wine, the Phrygian rustics took captive." (Ov. Met. 11.90). Guillaume T. de Villenave, Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide (Paris, Didot 1806–07). Engravings after originals by Jean-Jacques François Le Barbier (1739–1826), Nicolas André Monsiau (1754–1837), and Jean-Michel Moreau (1741–1814).

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  villenave02089.jpg - villenave02089: Silenus taken by the Phrygians. "But Silenus was not there. Him, stumbling with the weight of years and wine, the Phrygian rustics took captive." (Ov. Met. 11.90). Guillaume T. de Villenave, Les Métamorphoses d'Ovide (Paris, Didot 1806–07). Engravings after originals by Jean-Jacques François Le Barbier (1739–1826), Nicolas André Monsiau (1754–1837), and Jean-Michel Moreau (1741–1814).  

Greek Mythology Link | Iconography