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Document belonging to the Greek Mythology Link, a web site created by Carlos Parada, author of Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
Copyright © 1997 Carlos Parada and Maicar Förlag.

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Labours of Heracles | liebher1.5: Another labour consisted in chasing the man-eating birds who used their feathers as arrows. Their place of abode was the Stymphalian Lake in Arcadia. To help him in this task, Athena gave Heracles brazen castanets. By clashing these on a certain mountain that overhung the lake, he scared the birds, which could not abide the sound, but fluttered up in a fright. Liebig sets.

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  liebher1.5.jpg - liebher1.5: Another labour consisted in chasing the man-eating birds who used their feathers as arrows. Their place of abode was the Stymphalian Lake in Arcadia. To help him in this task, Athena gave Heracles brazen castanets. By clashing these on a certain mountain that overhung the lake, he scared the birds, which could not abide the sound, but fluttered up in a fright. Liebig sets.  

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